About Us
Why we started
We started our natural treat business in 2023. Why? because in 2022 we adopted our 6 year old Saluki - Greyhound from the rescue kennels, and upon bringing him home we could never get him on a diet he loved! Everything we fed him upset his belly and caused the most horrendous wind! We decided to give up on the commercial tinned food and biscuits and start him on a raw diet. A week or so after we noticed a huge difference in his toilet habits and him overall. Turning to raw we obviously started feeding more natural treats and left behind shop bought packets. There are so many benefits to natural treats, not only health wise but cost wise too. In most cases natural treats last much longer than packet treats and provide more enrichment for your pooch. In addition to this, since adopting Brodie, I have had my eyes opened to just how many sighthound breeds there are in kennels. With Greyhounds making for the one of the most surrender dog in the UK! This completely breaks my heart as I know just how loving these dogs are, so I am on a mission to set up my own charity dedicated to rescuing and giving sanctuary to all sighthound breeds.
Meet the Muse